Thursday, July 16, 2009

A little steam

OK, my blog is MY I am going to blow off a little steam!  Bear with me and hopefully, you'll be sympathetic to what I am saying!  
One of the hardest things to deal with being a pastor's wife is the "talk".  You know what I mean!  Let's all admit it!  We've ALL talked about what our pastors are doing "wrong" and what needs to happen to "fix" the problems and issues going on in our churches.  I admit that I've done it.  I look back now and after walking just a short while in the "pastor's wife's shoes", I am SO SORRY that I ever did it.  
It's so difficult for me, the fighter, to sit back and keep quiet when people talk about Claude or people have issues with choices/decisions Claude makes.  I can't even imagine what my sweet friend, Lora, must go thru.  She's much more sensitive to others feelings than I am.  Most of the time, when it's an issue with something in the church in general, my thoughts are, if you don't have any positive input on how to correct the situation, keep your thoughts to yourself and pray about it!!!!
However, when the words are specifically directed towards Claude and what he "should've done", then I really get riled up!  I love him and I know his heart.  He tries with his whole heart to follow Christ.  Yes, he fails sometimes.  He IS human.  However, I know that when he does make a mistake, he takes ownership of it.  He's not afraid to say that he screwed up or it could've been done differently.  
So, people remember that God has called those in authority to be in authority.  You may not always like what is done.  You may not always agree.  You may even have a better way (if so, share it!).  But, if you're not praying for the leaders in your church and there are "issues" in your church,  you might be contributing to the problems!


Dean and Mary said...

AMEN!!!! You go girl. I've always had a heart for the pastor's wives. I just feel so bad for everything that you and the others have to deal with. Just know that I love you and I'm praying for your ministry. If you ever need to vent, I'm here for you and I know Lora is too.

Love ya,

Sheila said...

Thank you so much! Lora is always willing to listen to my venting, but sometimes I need to step back and let her have air to breathe because she goes thru the same things!
Love you Mary!