Monday, March 9, 2009


I was so excited about this blog because I've been videoing the last couple of days worth of events (which is why I haven't blogged!).  I got the little video camera I bought Claude for Christmas and "downloaded" the video clips from the camera onto iPhoto...
NOTHING!  I mean, the sound is there, but no video!  I am SO NOT A TECHY PERSON!  
And, to top it off, I can't just run into the next room and ask my EVER SO TECHY HUSBAND to help, because he's at staff meeting.  If you only  knew the annoyance I feel right now!!!!!  I'm bummed!  
Anyway, as soon as I get my wonderful husband home, he can show me what I did wrong and then I will blog AGAIN with the videos! (hopefully!)

(you can't see me right now, but I am sticking my tongue out at the little camera!!!!!!!)


Michelle Lodeserto (Santoro) said...

Hey- I'm not a tech person either- and neither is my husband. Actually, that's why we send our computer to Claude when something happens, hehe : )

Kim said...

I hope he is back by now :-)

Dean and Mary said...

I'm right there with you Sheila. I envy the Cannon's blogs when they have the scrolling pictures with cute backgrounds. But I know God gave me different gifts that I haven't discovered yet. And so I will wait patiently for Claude to help you with your video. Love you Friend!!!

Grandma Strickland said...

I'm reight there with you Sheila. We spent 3 weeks without sound on our computer because when we got it back from our tech guy, I plugged the speaker cable into the wrong port. You have plenty of company in the not-a-techie department!