My husband came home, brought me flowers (ROSES!!!), and took me out to dinner and a movie! Claude had planned a date night for us! It was so awesome! We spent the evening with no phone, no computer, no animals, no distractions! He chose the movie! I loved it! AND, the neatest part was that we only spent $14 dollars!
We had a gift card for The Outback from a boy that Claude helped with his truck. We had 2 movie passes that were given to us for something else as a thank you! So, after the giftcard, we spent $7 at Outback! And after the movie passes, we spent $5 on a large drink (I know, that was hard for me to do, but we "splurged").
I was so excited! I love spending time with my wonderful husband, but date nights are a rare thing for us! Even though we don't have kids, we have ALOT of stuff that happens during the week nights. And to be able to take a night with NO PHONE and NO COMPUTER! It was so nice. Then, topping it off with so little money out of pocket...what a blessing! Anyway, I was just happy to have the nite!
Thank you Dylan for the Outback gift card!
BTW, here are the roses he brought me! Aren't they beautiful!?!

Date nights are essential! when Fred and I first married, we would go out every Friday night to a little mexican restaurant in Tampa. Then, of course, life happened. But in the last couple of years, we have been able to take time again. We went out to Smokey Bones last week with a buy one/get one free AND a free appetizer.... loved the $18 bill!!
I love date nite! I think that is what's missing from the marriages that are struggling. We get so wrapped up in life that we forget what life is about!
Miss you my friend!
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