Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Looking Back!
14 years ago today, I married the most amazing man on the planet! I know that sounds so corny, but I truly believe it. God gave me a very special gift on that Saturday! At 11AM I walked down the aisle and saw this hansome young man waiting for me. He looked at me like I was the most beautiful person he had ever laid eyes on! I remember the preacher going thru all the "normal" vows. I remember his mom & stepdad being there with us. I remember my dad being so somber! I remember thinking that my dreams were becoming reality. You see, I met Claude 4 years earlier. Now, it may have taken him 4 years to determine that we were meant to be together, but I told my mom 2 months after I met him that I was going to marry him someday! Granted, he was engaged to someone else at the time (LONG STORY!). I just knew that God would make all things perfect in His time. Now, here we are, 14 years later, and it just keeps getting better! Don't think that it's perfect all the time! We have our moments! BUT, I don't regret anything about our relationship. He is my best friend! He is the perfect man! I love him more and more everyday. I didn't think it was possible to do that! I adore him. I admire him. He is my real life hero! Anyone who knows Claude knows that he has some amazing qualities. The most amazing is that he loves me unconditionally. I am so thankful that I get to spend the rest of my days with my best friend. The one that I would rather hang out with over anyone else. So, to the love of my life, Happy Anniversary! I love you more than yesterday and less than tomorrow. I truly pray that you are as happy as I am~ Your adoring wife! 
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Be in prayer
I just got off of a phone call with my mom. My sister-in-law in Canada, Faith, has been hospitalized. Her blood pressure is too high and the doctors can't get it to drop and stay dropped. She has been in the hospital for almost a week now. They are running tests to try and find out why it's so high and why they can't get it to stay down. Please pray for her and for my brother, Murray. The hospital she's in is about 24 hours away from where they live. She is in Toronto and he is at their home in Cape Breton (Nova Scotia). The local hospital was not equipped to handle her needs, so they flew her to a bigger hospital. My brother will be flying out to Toronto in the next couple days and then driving back. Please pray for both of them at this time.

Monday, August 11, 2008
The most special day ever!
OK, so maybe 2nd after Christ's birth, but TODAY IS CLAUDE'S BIRTHDAY!!!!!
I was talking to his mom last week and she had been reminising about her life. She was a single mom since Claude was 6 months old and didn't remarry until he was 11-12 (not sure which). She had made some comments about how rough the 1st marriage had been and I told her that I was grateful that she'd been married that first time. Otherwise, there would not have been a CLAUDE!!! He is the blessing that God gives me everyday and I am just at a loss for words on how much he means to me. I am so thankful that God allows me to wake up with him and go to sleep with him everyday. He is a Godly man who puts Christ 1st in his life. He never gives anything but his best in ANYTHING he does. He loves me unconditionally (THAT IS A MIRACLE IN ITSELF!!!!). He's a true friend, a great leader, an exceptionally talented person, creative beyond reason... I could go on!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAUDE! You are loved by so many! I know you are happy with where the Lord has called you and I am so proud to be your wife! You are my hero!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
God's blessings!
Ok, I've been looking back over the last month and we have had a blessed month personally!

My family came for a visit, we got to help Davey & Janelle move to Tampa, childrens' church has been WAY cool and alot of fun, the list goes on!
So, my parents brought up a pool for Claude & me! It's not real big, but it's perfect for us on days when it's just too hot to cool off! We jump in and float around for a little while and we are set!
Yesterday, our neighbors came over and asked Claude & I if we would help them move a headboard out of a room for them. We went over and moved it out. The neighbor says "yea, it's a king size headboard and too big for my little room." Claude asked them what they were going to do with it. She said "get rid of it." So, she gave it to us!!!! I have ALWAYS wanted a headboard for our bed, but we have a king bed and they are expensive (even used ones). So, we've just never bought one. NOW I have one and it was given to us!!!!!
Today, Randy came over to help Claude build the props for the next series. I believe they are calling it "Rest". Anyway, I went out to take a couple pics of them. I am so glad that God gave us a house with a work shed out back!
The church is blessed everytime something is built out there!!!
Thank you Lord for the little blessings that are a BIG DEAL!
Change is in the air!
WOW! It's been awhile since I've posted!

for those of you who weren't at church Sunday, here's some pictures of my awesomely hot husband and his haircut!

Isn't he so adorable!?!?
We missed Greenville when we were down in Tampa! It's funny, the saying is true that you can't go home again! We met up with friends, had dinner at our FAVORITE restaurant, got to see some of our "kids" who are college students now, hung out with family, visited family, etc. But, we both agreed that we were so happy to be back in NC! THIS IS OUR HOME!
When we got home, we had a little "gift" from one of our small group couples! They left us a card with a gift card in it! I'm not sure what they "think" we did to deserve it, but it was such a treat and blessing! To be able to do what God has called you to do and then have people thank you for it, WOW! How cool is that!?! Anyway, a big thank you to the couple! We really do appreciate it!
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