Friday, November 21, 2008

This is what's it's all about!

This Thanksgiving holiday, we at Discovery Church get a rare opportunity to minister to a group of orphan children from Kenya.  Well, actually, after seeing them perform at Catalyst this year, I'd be more accurate to say they will minister to us!  
Check this out...this is a taste of what we got to see at Catalyst!  They were so precious and I cried through the whole performance.  I kept thinking, " I wish my little brother could see these kids!"  (He has such a heart and passion for Africa and the children there.) They was so awesome!

They will be doing a concert Tuesday night at a local church. If people don't walk away thinking what an AWESOME God we serve, they might want to check themselves spiritually.
In the meantime, check out this group! They are truly an amazing story!

BTW, their style of worship is different than what I grew up with, but I am so humbled when I watch them. They give everything when they worship! They are not afraid to raise their hands, stomp their feet, be joyful and praise God as the Holy Spirit moves them! Watch the video! My favorite part is when they sing "Jesus conquered the grave" and they stomp on the ground like Jesus was stomping on death and satan! It's truly awesome!


The Nassars said...

I absolutely! love to watch children praise God! They are not embarrased because worship comes so 'natural' to them.
Great video!

Gentzlers said...

That is a great video! Thanks for sharing it.
