Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Need Prayers

Just asking everyone to be praying for Discovery Church for the next few months.  There are some changes coming (no! neither Jason nor Claude is leaving!!!!!!).  Just some changes.  Pray that the congregation will be open and flexible to the changes.  Alot of churches across the country are so set in their "traditions" and "that's the way we do it" philosophy that they miss the blessings God has for them when they go thru the growing pains of life!  I heard a preacher ask some leaders (who were grandparents) how many of them would be willing to give up their lives as a guarantee that their grandchildren would come to know the Lord.  Of course, all of them raised their hands.  Then, he asked them how many of them would be willing to give up their traditional music for the same guarantee.  It made me stop and think about how much "tradition" is in our churches.  Don't misunderstand...I LOVE TRADITIONS!  I just feel like the body of Christ gets so wrapped up in them that we miss God's desire for us to reach the world.  Yes, God doesn't change.  The truth of the Bible doesn't change, but our world and society does change.  The world needs a church that will offer the solid unchanging truth of Jesus Christ without being so wrapped in traditions that we turn people off and close our doors to them.

Pray that the leadership sets a great example for how to grow with change!  Jason and Claude (and the other volunteer leaders) do a fantastic job of encouraging the church family to stay focused on the vision God's given to Discovery.  But no matter what these great men say or do, there will be no growth thru change without the Holy Spirit moving in the hearts of Discovery.  I know my God can do anything!  I just pray that all of us are open to what God wants to do.

1 comment:

Dean and Mary said...

You got it. Change is a great thing so that we don't grow stagnent in our relationship with Christ. When we get comfortable sometimes that means we aren't doing more. God didn't mean for us to be comfortable. He wants us witnessing for him. : ) Go Discovery Church.