Saturday, March 29, 2008

Count your blessings!

Yesterday, Claude & I spent the day working in the yard. Now, I know that doesn't sound like fun to most people, but believe me it was enjoyable! You see, it's been so busy for the last 6 weeks (or more) and so we haven't really had alot of "free" time. Our yard (front & back) was becoming an eyesore to us & our neighbors!!! Anyway, we decided it would be a good thing if we changed the bed around the mailbox. It was sooooo great!!!! There were no distractions, errands, phone calls, issues, etc. that came up! Just me and Claude working together! I normally don't like yardwork. I'll mow the yard, but don't ask me to do much else because it's just not my thing! But I had so much fun just working with him and talking thru what we wanted it to look like. It's funny how God gives us times like these! I am thankful that He allowed us a day with very minimal interruptions. They are a nice blessing every now & then!
This morning was also great because I felt refreshed after having some time alone with my husband the day prior. I was eager to get back to working on stuff for church. In fact, it was fun! Thank you Lord for the opportunity to do the stuff I do for my church that I love! I like doing it, I get to be at home, I am pretty good at it (although I'm sure there's some that could be better!), I get to work with my husband which is really awesome!!! I even get to work with a pastor that I respect & enjoy!
Some other things I'm grateful for:
  • wonderful friends at church
  • great folks who are willing to help out in any way they can (thanks Wallaces!)
  • people like Hazel Haynes who does our church bulletin every week!
  • Randy & Laci Strickland who give so much time to the youth ministry! You guys ROCK!
  • Encouraging folks like Frank & Michelle Lodeserto who always have time to listen and give you an uplifting word!

I'd say that God gives blessings in lots of little things in our lives. We just have to be willing to look for them.


The Nassars said...

it's so funny that you have been writing about things that I have been having on my mind as well... friends, time with hubby (we have scheduled this coming Saturday to work on the yard too!)
It's neat to see how God is working in your life! :)

The 67 Mustang Convertible said...

I had fun also, It was a good day! Plus we fed the ants some Claude flesh!

Click over to my blog for pictures of our project.