Monday, March 10, 2008

Something I am learning...

OK, I am not good at keeping current with MySpace or Facebook, but I am hoping to be better at this blogging thing.
Sunday night I was talking with one of the youth at Crosslink (out student ministry) and we were exchanging prayer requests (a challenge from Claude's "message" that night). Anyway, my request to pray that I would be more disciplined with my devotion time with the Lord. After that, we started talking about how bad I am with keeping up on MySpace/Facebook. And suddenly it dawned on me! I starting thinking about why I started MySpace & Facebook and it was so that I could keep up with my friends & family that I don't get to see very much. Well, I started thinking that I'm kinda the same way with the web stuff as I am with my devotions. As much as my heart wants to do it, my mind gets in the way and makes excuses for why I don't have time to do them. Does that make sense? I love my family so much and I miss them dearly. There are days that I want to hop on a plane and go visit them because I miss them so much! But, I don't talk to them everyday, I don't email them everyday, I don't call them everyday, mail them letters/cards/etc. You get the point! So I guess what I am trying to say is that I am learning that I need more discipline in my life. I love the Lord and I want to talk to Him everyday, I want to listen for His voice everyday, etc., but sometimes I get caught up in the crazy circle of life and forget to "give Him a call". That doesn't mean that I don't love Him or think about Him. It just means that I need to prioritize and give Him that time. When I do take time to talk to my mom and dad or my brothers, I feel so much closer to them. It's the same way with God. It's something I'm learning!


The Nassars said...

Welcome to the world of BLOG!!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you have a blog! Now I can keep up better with the family I miss so dearly from Discovery! LOVE YOU!