Anyway, Monday, June 23rd, we went to Raleigh to pick up Claude's nephew, Lee. He flew up from FL to spend the week with us. Got him, then went to 2 malls looking for a Build-A-Bear for my youngest niece. (It's a tradition I have to make one for each of my nephews & nieces!). So, I finally found one I wanted to make for my niece, Dahlia. I wanted the "Hello Kitty" for her. So I go in to make one and the salesperson tells me that they retired the Hello Kitty and I can't get it anymore. I WAS SOOO BUMMED! My wonderful husband knows me so well! He knew I needed a bit of "good news" so he spilled the beans that my parents AND my brother & sister-in-law (along with my nephews & nieces) are all coming up to visit next week (4th of July week!!!!).
This MADE MY DAY!!! I've missed them so much and was really bummed that I couldn't be with them for my birthday.
So, on Tuesday, June 24th, the youth decided to have a movie nite at OUR HOUSE! It was fun. I can't figure out why they like hangin' out with us so much, but we enjoy it too so I guess it's all good!
Wednesday, June 25th, our wonderful city of Greenville got some "poo" in the water so the restaurants (and various other places) all closed for the day. Greenville looked like a ghost town! My friend and accountability partner, Christina, (along with 5 other ladies) surprised me at my house with a cake, cards, and a balloon! It was definitely a shocker! I was so touched that they would take time from their day to do something like this for me. WOW! God blessed me with great friends!
Speaking of friends, later that night, some other friends of ours, the Hansens, drove us to Wilson for dinner for my birthday! I just can't believe that we are so blessed! It was a wonderful day!
Thursday, June 26th! I didn't do ANYTHING this day! Claude let me go shopping for myself, but I have a hard time buying things for me. So, I shopped for a while, but then went home! I received text messages throughout the day from the youth wishing me a happy birthday!
Later that night, my small group from church came over for our weekly Bible study and they had TONS of food for a birthday celebration! Again, I just can't believe that I have so many people that would go out of their way for me. I don't know why I am so blessed, but thank you God for all of these fabulous people in my life!
Friday, June 27th, the youth went to Green Springs AGAIN. I am not sure what the draw is for this place, but everyone that goes loves it! One of the youth leaders, Kim, made a cake for me and the youth sang to me (BTW, I've had happy birthday sung to me 4 times.)! I had one of the youth decide to wipe RED ICING all over my face! Don't worry, I had the boys from youth run her down and hold her while I gave her a BIG SMOOCH on her cheek!!! She was red too by the time I was done!!!! Claude took a couple of pictures of it!

It's been a wonderful week! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO THOUGHT OF ME AND WISHED ME WELL ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!! This year's was unforgettable! I love you guys!
Happy Birthday to you too! I think I'll be able to remember your birthday...3 days in front of mine (and 4 years too..bummer for me!)
Happy Belated Birthday!!
Love you tons and I'm so glad that you had a great birthday. It's nice to know you're loved and thought of. And the kids love you because you are young at heart!!
Again, I am reminded of how 2 peas in a pod we are!! I am glad you were treated special for your Bday!! Enjoy every moment!
Thanks to all of you! I think I'm young @ heart so even if my body tells me otherwise, I'm "young"!!!!
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