We got to go to the graduation of 4 of our 5 seniors last nite! It was wild to see so many kids graduate! (Of course, this is coming from a girl whose graduating class had 42 students!) To see 350+ kids in cap & gowns was AWESOME! Anyway, here are some pictures of "our kids"!
This is Megan and her Mom & little brother! Isn't she adorable!?! She's our HAPPY youth! She NEVER frowns (and I mean NEVER!). Her face will not do a frown! She always makes everyone smile!
Megan and another of our kids, John! They are so cute together! When John first started coming to Discovery Church, he was a sophomore and BOY was he a handful! It's been the most amazing thing to watch this crazy boy grow into a funny, caring, respected young man. I am humbled that God allows us to work with such wonderful young people, like John.

Here's John with his little sister, Izzy (I call her Dizzy!). They are the neatest pair! I've never seen a brother and sister have a closer relationship than these two.
John is heading off to the Marines in a couple of months. Of course, we don't talk about that right now, because it makes Izzy sad.
I'm just grateful that I still have Izzy for another 2 years before I have to say goodbye to her!
This is Alex! He's only been with our crew for about a year! The first time he came to youth, we thought he was a college student who wanted to work WITH the youth!!!! We call him "Fuzzy Alex" for obvious reasons! He has a very dry and ironic sense of humor! We just love him to death!!!!

I love this picture! It's a great one of Claude and Alex.
This is a picture of Kaitlyn and JC (and their respective parents). JC and his sister, Courtney, have been coming to Crosslink for a while, but Kaitlyn just started hanging out with the crew recently. She and JC are adorable together. She is funny and he is a smart-alec, but we love him anyway! Seriously though, we adore JC. He adds so much to the group and has great leadership qualities! I'm really gonna miss him. He's gonna stay local though. He'll be going to ECU. Kaitlyn will be leaving us to go to Campbell University which is about 1 1/2 hours away. We told her we will come visit and go shopping with her since she's close to Raleigh!!!!

JC and his sister, Courtney, do NOT have the same relationship that John and Izzy have! JC and Courtney are a typical sibling relationship. He loves to pick on her, but when it comes down to it, he'd defend her to the very end. I love them. They are just so much fun!!! They kinda remind me of my older brother and myself!
Here's all the guys from South Central HS! from left to right:
John Cobb, JC Lommatzsch, Ryan (not sure of his last name, just met him!), and Alex Lorentz.
I'm so proud of these kids! They are really gonna be missed in our group.
How does a parent do this?!? How do you let go? Maybe God knew what He was doing by not giving me kids of my own! I would never want to let them grow up and leave!
We had a fabulous time! Graduation parties practically every night last week and then the final day came and went off without a hitch (except for JC tripping while walking in during the opening ceremonies! That was HILARIOUS! Only because it was JC!)
We love you all graduates of '09!
To our graduates from Florida, we thought about you and are sorry we couldn't be there for yours. Congratulations!!!! Well Done!
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