She likes Claude!
She prefers to sleep on his chest! (Hey! that's MY spot!)
She also loves Claude's slippers! They are bigger than she is, but she carries them all over the house!
"That's my DAD'S slipper you're chewing on! Leave it alone OR ELSE!"
Being cute is tiring work! Time for a nap!
Can't get comfortable!

AAWWWW! This works!
"I have one question Mom...WHY?!?"
Ginger did very well her first night with us! She only cried in the cage for a few minutes. Dipstick laid down beside the cage and I think it soothed her. Jack-Jack was not as accomodating! He decided if HIS BOX was going to be invaded by a little yapping dog, he would HAVE to sleep on the bed instead! We let him sleep there for the night. He'll go back to his box once we have some money to get Ginger one of her own! Claude got up to take her out to potty only once (around 3:30AM). She cried a minute or two when she was put back in the box, but went right back to sleep and didn't cry again til 7:30AM! We were very happy with our first night!
I'll post more pics as I get them. She doesn't stay still very long (except when she's sleeping!)!
She is so cute. Happy birthday!
Yay!! She is soooo cute!! Welcome to yet another summer baby at Discovery :-) How does Jack like her???
Happy Birthday!!!
Jack-Jack is getting better with her! Sunday night he ignored her completely. This morning, they were romping and playing on the bed together. He's coming around! I'm sure they will be lifelong buddies before too long!!!!
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