I know it's been a few days, but WOW...we have had one of the best thanksgivings EVER!!! We've been busy with a group of kids from Kenya. They have been so much fun and more blessings than I could begin to tell you! I am to the point where I'm envious of them and the PURE joy that they have in Christ. We are sad thinking that they have to leave us tomorrow, but I know I will never be the same after this! I have a completely different understanding of what my younger brother must've felt when they came back from their missions trip to Tanzania. He said he wanted to adopt the children from the orphanage and now I get why! They are so loving and precious. I am so thankful that God allowed us to have this opportunity. They keep telling us that we have been such a blessing to them, but it really it the other way around. The blessing has been on us.
I'm gonna miss you guys! "Nakupenda", Denzel, John, Anthony, and Moses." ("I love you" in Swahili!!!!)

From left to right
Anthony, Moses (chaperone), John, and Denzel
(Claude on the counter!)
Anthony was being crazy! This was our "Kenyan"dinner night!
The children fixed a true Kenyan meal. It was called chipati (don't know it that's spelled right!) and included beef stew, cabbage, rice, and a type of tortilla! I liked it!!!
John had so much fun with Ella & Natalie ("Talie")!
No matter what was going on, when the kids started giggling, you couldn't help yourself...you started giggling too!!! Their laughter was so contagious!
The chaperone that stayed with us, Moses, was just as big a kid as the kids!!!!
On Thanksgiving, the kids got to have an American Thanksgiving dinner! Some weren't too sure they wanted to try it, but most of them loved it!
Somehow, the local news heard about the kids. They came out and interviewed some of them and then the kids sang a few songs for them!
The group!